hohoho...astaga!! ramainyerr sruh aku jwb tag..nyampess..paksa2 plak tuhh..tp aku jawab jelaaa..harap korang pueh hati n gumbira dgn jawapan2 aku k..ada gak aku klentong skit2..tapi skit ja, x banyak...hehehe=P
Blog Owner:
First Name: M.O.H.D <---sebutan (morghhh) wakaka
Nickname: kwn2 panggil ary,nort,hazy,azri dan lain2 lagi...my pemeli panggil aku abg/azi jak..hahakss
Name you wish you had: hermmm..xder nama len se best nama haku...wakakaka..syukur2!!!
What do people normally mistake your name as: olando bloom, brad,tom cruise...wahhh..mistake yg terok tuhh..wakaka
Birthday: bahh,besday tu kopok lekor ek???adess susah betol soalan nihh<--- bepeluh!!!
Birthplace: horse of golden palace...wakaka...ntahla,atas katil kot..wakakaka,place la tuh!!
Time of Birth: time??? ketika filem bujang lapok buat pertama kali di pratontonkan..hahakss
Single or taken: mana ko tau aku ni penyanyi???
Zodiac sign: apa nihh??? adesss
Your Appearence:
How tall are you: setinggi bangunan pencakar langit..KLCC..wakaka
Wish you were taller: kalau bleh nak tinggi gunong..menuju puncak gitu!! ahakss
Eye color: warna pelangi wooo
Eye color you want: silver metallic...wakakakkaa
Natural Hair color: supernatural!!!
Hair color: harry porter n the prizonerss of azebaijann..adoii..susah tol mau sebut!!!
Short or long hair: dua2 xsuka..suka botak jerrr!!!!
Ever dye your hair a bizarre color: taubat xpenah..
Curly,Straight,Wavy: jalan straight, belok kanan, jumpa lorong hj seman, tu la rumah aku..wakaka
Last time you did something dramatic with your hair: aku x penah blakon drama!!!
Glasses or contacts: uiksss...mesti la glass..boleh wat isi air sirap!! huahuahua
Do you wear make up: wear bikini bottom ja..larikkkkkk!!!!!
Ever had hair extensions: x paham soalan nihh!! aduii
Paint your nails: nails tu siput kan??? kejam weiii cat2 siput...wakakaka..huhu=(
Opposite Thought
What color eyes: eye shadow
What color hair: pelangi
Shy or Outgoing : shy2 cat
Looks or personality: pesona nan grata!!
Sexy or Cute: seksa!! wakaka
Serious or Fun: mana ko tau aku suka pi funfair?? wakaka
Older or Younger than you: umo xmenjadi hal..budak skolah rendah pon aku layan ja..larikkkkk
This or That
Flowers or Chocolate: cendol
Pepsi or Coke: air suam jelah..saving wooo!!
Rap or Rock: dangdut xder ke??? wakaka
Relationship or One night stand: x paham soalan weiii!!! aku xpandai omputih!!!
School or Work: high school musical..sbb awek2 situ cun2 blaka..wakaka
Love or Money: mr.lovess..wahhh..telebih suda!!!
Movies or Music: bersukan dikala lapang!
Country or City: siti nurhaliza...pojaan atikuh!
Sunny or Rainy days: jezzySUNSHINE..wakakaka..larikkkkkkk!!!!! "nama saya rain!!"..wahhh
Friends or Family: friendster,my space...wakaka...akn dtg, family space..wakakkaa=P
Have you
Lied: laicikang ker??..cedappp eh!
Stole something: stole tu past tense utk apa ha??
Smoked: uiksss..nope..hehehe
Hurt someone close to you: wahhhh...incredible hulk,hulk hogan..aku suka wehhh
Broke someones heart: my heart...lalalala
Had you heart broken: wahhhh...aku sakit ati ngan adik aku ja..dia putih aku hitam..wakaka
Wish you were a prince/princess: dua2 xmo..nak jadi raja...har har har!!!
Liked someone: wahhhh...bukan sorang...agnes monica,dian,maya karin,stacy..semua aku suka..haha
Liked someone who was taken: maya karin meiii..kawin suda dia,melepas aku...huhu..cedihhh
Shaved your head: shaved tu apa?? potong kan??? astaga!!! xkanla nak potong kpala sendri!!!
Been in love: ya..namaku mr.lovess..hehe
Used chopsticks: chopsticks xpenah..tp chickenchop peberet aku tu..adeiii..lapoooooooo!!!!
Flower: wahhhhh..aku mat bunga, semua yg bernama bunga aku suka!! plg aku suka bunga ctra lestari..wakaka!!
Candy: suka jgkla candy AF5 tuh..kiut gak dier tu..hehe
Song: lagu skolah,lagu negaraku,lagu negeriku yg tersinta!
Scent: apakemenda nihh??? adeiii
Color: colourfull
Word: microsoft word 2003..wakakakka=P
Junk food: mata keranjunk!! hahaha
Website: xdak wehhh!!
Animal: animal planet..channel556 kot! adess lupa lah..
Ever cried over someone: no women no cry <--- sambil isap curut..wakaka
Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself : attitide..wahhh..telebih suda aku!!!
Your biggest fear: ALLAH SWT meiiii...huhu insap2!!!
Do you think you're attractive: x paham..hua hua huaaa!!!
If you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose: sang kancil dgn sang buaya..aku nak jadi boya..wakakaka!!!
Do you play any sports: sportrim ja aku suka men...kasi polish itu sportrim!!hehe
The person who last tag you is:
mcm besa, aku harap nenek aku,mak aku,dan semua yg menyokong aku tnpa rasa erti jemu...muekekee...jgn marah nohh..
-end of story-
Blog Teman-Teman
Kenali Bagian Sensitif Wanita di Sini6 years ago
obat wasir wasiri9 years ago
Dendeng Ikan10 years ago
ermmmmmmmm!13 years ago
Stacy's 'birthday' album13 years ago
Sempurna13 years ago
MaSaLaH o MaSaLaH…!!!14 years ago
I wish I were a Child....14 years ago
first time keja....15 years ago
keegoan seorang anak...15 years ago
Salam Aidilfitri 2009...15 years ago
Welcome Back (home), laura15 years ago
AF 7 Kini Bermula....16 years ago
Yang Lepas-Lepas
- bukak posa pemeli
- kampongku lovessville indah permai....dan terlebih...
- tagged dtg lagi..huhuuuu..nangis2!!!
- lovess heroess???
- stacy af6 sketch
- the lovess catss
- the lovess florass and faunass
- me with my debate teamss..ahakss!!!
- tag from sixnebess...hohoho..apakah ini??huhu
cuti-cuti malaysia
my artwork
sweet memories

Monday, September 15, 2008
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Sepatah kata..

- berakit-rakit ke hulu, berenang-renang ketepian..ungkapan yang membawa maksud kesusahan & dugaan yang terpaksa dihadapi oleh setiap individu termasuk diriku sebelum mengecapi sesuatu kejayaan & kesenangan..Insyaallah, bersyukur & terus berusaha... :)
penat tol baca jwpn hang ni.
ades!mo batal pose asik gelak ja..
akhirnya buat gak...
thnx bro...
mmg lawak laa...
"pesona nan grata" tu maksudnya orang asing dik oiii..
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