hohoho...begitu cepat masa berlaloo...pelik kan, kalau kita menanti samtin kita akan rasa penantian kita tu lama sgtttt..tapi kalau samtin yang kita xmo kehilangan, kita akan rasa masa tu mcm cemburu jak dgn kita...aduiii..kali nih aku mau kongsi salah 1 lagu yang sentiasa memberi aku ketenangan ketika aku sdg rungsing..tajok lagoo tu 'samwer ober de rainbow'...hehe, dari kecik lagi aku mmg suka ini lagu..best sangat2, dari hari ke hari ramai penyanyi2 seantero dunia menyanyikan lagu nih dlm pelbagai versi...tapi walau mcm mana diubah skalipon, lagu ni ttp shahdu dan sedap didengar, menteteramkan jiwa yang lara...huhuuuu...best sgt3.....
Aku ingat lagi 1 petandingan..(britain got talent-BGT) ada 1 budak kecik 6tahon bernama connie talbot yang comelll sangat2 menyanyikan lagu ni waktu audition...last2 dia dpt masok final..nangis wooo denga dia nyanyi lagu nihh...merdu + shahduuu sgt2..aduiii...bagi aku diala budak paling cumill d dunia yg mempunyai suara paling merduuu skalii..huhuu...kalau mau nengok dia nyanyi,ni LINKnya----> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkcE6Vy-e6c
Kemudian..ada sorang lagi penyanyi yg sukakan keamanan yg menyanyikan smula ini laguuu...namanya israel kamakawiwo ole'..adesss,awatla nama dia ada israel depan..hoho..lantak ahh..tapi suara dia mmg bestt sgt3..sedap...walaupon xde RUPA dan fizikal yg BESAR...namun suara mamat nihhh merduu skaliii...aku pon dah masokkan lagu dia dlm blog nihhh..hehe..yang korang denga ni dia la yg nyanyi..kalau ulang 10 kali pon x boring dia nyanyi..best sgt..lagi best kalau kita paham maksud lirik lagu nihhh..romantiss gilerrrr..hohoho ='(
Dan antara yg aku ingat lagi... lagu nih dinyanyikan utk satu sountrack filem, waktu form baper aku nengok ini filem aku x ingat, tapi aku ingat lagi tajuknya...'meet joe black' kalau tak silap...dinyanyikan oleh louis amstrong...rasa2 aku critanya berkisar ttg kehidupan seorang budak kulit itam yg berwawasan dan bijak dlm berkarya....
Aku pon kalau busan2 nyanyi gak ini lagu sambil denga mp3 walaopon suara aku mcm katak..bila aku nyanyi ja mesti ujan..wakakaka...ni adalah LIRIK ini laguuu....layan...zassssss =P
somewhere over the rainbow
Aku ingat lagi 1 petandingan..(britain got talent-BGT) ada 1 budak kecik 6tahon bernama connie talbot yang comelll sangat2 menyanyikan lagu ni waktu audition...last2 dia dpt masok final..nangis wooo denga dia nyanyi lagu nihh...merdu + shahduuu sgt2..aduiii...bagi aku diala budak paling cumill d dunia yg mempunyai suara paling merduuu skalii..huhuu...kalau mau nengok dia nyanyi,ni LINKnya----> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkcE6Vy-e6c
Kemudian..ada sorang lagi penyanyi yg sukakan keamanan yg menyanyikan smula ini laguuu...namanya israel kamakawiwo ole'..adesss,awatla nama dia ada israel depan..hoho..lantak ahh..tapi suara dia mmg bestt sgt3..sedap...walaupon xde RUPA dan fizikal yg BESAR...namun suara mamat nihhh merduu skaliii...aku pon dah masokkan lagu dia dlm blog nihhh..hehe..yang korang denga ni dia la yg nyanyi..kalau ulang 10 kali pon x boring dia nyanyi..best sgt..lagi best kalau kita paham maksud lirik lagu nihhh..romantiss gilerrrr..hohoho ='(
Dan antara yg aku ingat lagi... lagu nih dinyanyikan utk satu sountrack filem, waktu form baper aku nengok ini filem aku x ingat, tapi aku ingat lagi tajuknya...'meet joe black' kalau tak silap...dinyanyikan oleh louis amstrong...rasa2 aku critanya berkisar ttg kehidupan seorang budak kulit itam yg berwawasan dan bijak dlm berkarya....
Aku pon kalau busan2 nyanyi gak ini lagu sambil denga mp3 walaopon suara aku mcm katak..bila aku nyanyi ja mesti ujan..wakakaka...ni adalah LIRIK ini laguuu....layan...zassssss =P
somewhere over the rainbow
Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high
And the dreams that you dreamed of
Once in a lullaby ii ii iii
Somewhere over the rainbow
Blue birds fly
And the dreams that you dreamed of
Dreams really do come true ooh ooooh
Someday I'll wish upon a star
Wake up where the clouds are far behind me ee ee eeh
Where trouble melts like lemon drops
High above the chimney tops thats where you'll find me oh
Somewhere over the rainbow bluebirds fly
And the dream that you dare to,why, oh why can't I? i iiii
Well I see trees of green and
Red roses too,
I'll watch them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world
Well I see skies of blue and I see clouds of white
And the brightness of day
I like the dark and I think to myself
What a wonderful world
The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of people passing by
I see friends shaking hands
Saying, "How do you do?"
They're really saying, I...I love you
I hear babies cry and I watch them grow,
They'll learn much more
Than we'll know
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world (w)oohoorld
Someday I'll wish upon a star,
Wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where trouble melts like lemon drops
High above the chimney top that's where you'll find me
Oh, Somewhere over the rainbow way up high
And the dream that you dare to, why, oh why can't I? I hiii ?
Way up high
And the dreams that you dreamed of
Once in a lullaby ii ii iii
Somewhere over the rainbow
Blue birds fly
And the dreams that you dreamed of
Dreams really do come true ooh ooooh
Someday I'll wish upon a star
Wake up where the clouds are far behind me ee ee eeh
Where trouble melts like lemon drops
High above the chimney tops thats where you'll find me oh
Somewhere over the rainbow bluebirds fly
And the dream that you dare to,why, oh why can't I? i iiii
Well I see trees of green and
Red roses too,
I'll watch them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world
Well I see skies of blue and I see clouds of white
And the brightness of day
I like the dark and I think to myself
What a wonderful world
The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of people passing by
I see friends shaking hands
Saying, "How do you do?"
They're really saying, I...I love you
I hear babies cry and I watch them grow,
They'll learn much more
Than we'll know
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world (w)oohoorld
Someday I'll wish upon a star,
Wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where trouble melts like lemon drops
High above the chimney top that's where you'll find me
Oh, Somewhere over the rainbow way up high
And the dream that you dare to, why, oh why can't I? I hiii ?
*huhuuu..walaupon liriknya simple, tapi banyakkan maksud tersirat lagu ni??? mcm puisi dah...susah bagi org yg x pandai omputih cam haku..hahakss...kwn2 semua yg paham ini lagu kongsi2 la story ngan aku k...kasi komen tau....lovess u alls =P*
melayan jiwang plak ko nie..
suke ni lagu, ary...suke sgt..
wahhh sis lora...sama2 suka kita...sbb tu sia sayang sis lora..wahhh ayat...wakakkaa..lawak jak =P
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